Terms of use

This website is designed to help customers of SKL Shooing Sports Inc. schedule appointments for trainings, CCL classes and other activities provided by SKL Shooting Sports Inc. Also to provide info about events, competitions etc. Helpfull links, blog info and other information provided through third party websites, pages, links SKL Shooting Sports Inc is not responsible for if any of them might be not so accurate. We are not taking any responsibilities for that information. The client must verify this information himself to take it for granted. Especially those from other websites to which links have been given, as helpful pages.

Payments are done through PayPal and customer agrees to their policies

There are no refunds if the client resigns, but for reasons beyond the client's control, deposits can be used for a different course date up to 30 days from the date originally agreed. The customer loses the right to any discounts and and refunds of the deposit if the customer does not appear on the date originally agreed without informing about inability to appear due to the reasons beyond the client's control.

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