Ghost guns can be serialized

Ghost guns can be serialized

Thursday, June 16, 2022

HB4383, Public Act . . . . . . . . . 102-0889

Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly sell, offer to sell, or transfer an unserialized unfinished frame or receiver or unserialized firearm, including those produced using a three-dimensional printer, unless the party purchasing or receiving the unfinished frame or receiver or unserialized firearm is a federal firearms importer, federal firearms manufacturer, or federal firearms dealer.

  •  An unserialized unfinished frame or receiver andunserialized firearm shall be serialized by a federallylicensed firearms dealer or other federal licenseeauthorized to provide marking services with the licensee'sabbreviated federal firearms license number as a prefix(which is the first 3 and last 5 digits) followed by ahyphen, and then followed by a number as a suffix, such as12345678-(number). The serial number or numbers must beplaced in a manner that accords with the requirementsunder federal law for affixing serial numbers to firearms,including the requirements that the serial number ornumbers be at the minimum size and depth, and notsusceptible to being readily obliterated, altered, orremoved, and the licensee must retain records that accordwith the requirements under federal law in the case of thesale of a firearm. The imprinting of any serial numberupon a undetectable firearm must be done on a steel plaquein compliance with 18 U.S.C. 922(p).

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